He is the only Italian representative of IQNet, the International Association that constitutes the largest network of company management systems certification for quality, environment and safety. There are 38 certification bodies present in more than 150 countries. Under the IQNet agreement, CISQ certified companies can use the IQNet certificate which confers international validity to the certifications, and are entitled to use the IQNet brand. For this Arnocanali has developed its own Quality management system according to the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2000 standard; a goal achieved with a design always in compliance with the regulations in force, a constant and selective monitoring of production, scrupulous and strict laboratory tests. All products are constantly subjected to strict controls to maintain the certifications acquired.
It is a member of the main agreements for the issuance of international trademarks. On a national and international level, it enjoys numerous awards due to the participation of experts in the regulatory work of technical and scientific committees, in meetings for international certification agreements, in meetings promoted by associations of builders and installers and to the commissions operating in the Ministries. The mission of IMQ and Arnocanali is to protect the producer and the consumer by providing quality in the products placed on the international market. All Arnocanali products are built in compliance with the most recent international standards in the low voltage electrical sector. For this we have obtained the approvals from the most prestigious national and international certification institutes, always guaranteeing maximum reliability.
Directive 2015/863 / EU, better known as RoHS, from the English “Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive”, concerns the restriction of the use of all harmful substances in electrical and electronic equipment such as Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, hexavalent chromium, Polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers. Each European member state must adopt its own enforcement policies, using the directive as a guide. This is why Arnocanali has completely eliminated products that do not comply with the directive from its warehouses. This directive applies only to EEE (Electronic Electrical Equipment) that fall within the product categories identified in Annex 2 of Directive 2015/863 / EU better known as WEEE or WEEE. RoHS applies to products manufactured or imported into the European Union.
CEI Italian Electrotechnical Committee
It is an Association recognized by the Italian State and the European Union for regulatory activities and the dissemination of technical-scientific culture. The European technical standards published by the CEI constitute a univocal and well-coded tool to satisfy the requirements of a mandatory nature provided for by the Italian legislation. The standardization process is based on the principle of participation and collaboration of all the parties involved, of which Arnocanali is a part. The mission of the CEI, as a super partes body, is to develop good technical regulatory documents, participate in the drafting and implement European harmonized regulatory documents, participate in the drafting of international regulations, spreading technical and electrical safety culture to all consumers.